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PwC Luxembourg TechTalk

Ah, technology. To quote Steve Jobs, arguably the most famous disruptor of our time, "we have no idea how far it's going to go". Whether you're the savviest techy around or a complete tech-dummy or somewhere in between, join Carla Santos, a journalist eager to learn more about tech-related matters, and Christopher Rossa, who continuously seeks to demystify technology, during their monthly conversations with specialists from different industries, who share their knowledge on hot topics such as cybersecurity, cloud, and artificial intelligence.

Jul 24, 2023

In this episode of our ICT Spring Special season on Tech for Sustainability, we speak with Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer at The Envisioners, about what sustainability means to him, his views on how technology impacts the sustainable future of the world, what The Envisioners is doing to contribute to that...

Jul 24, 2023

In this episode of our ICT Spring special season on Tech for Sustainability, we speak with Lily Wang, Partner at Expon Capital, about what sustainability means to her, her views on how technology impacts the sustainable future of the world, and what Expon Capital is doing to contribute to that future, and more.

Jul 17, 2023

In this episode of our ICT Spring Special season on Tech for Sustainability, we speak with Hao Wang, Chief Operations Officer at MetaBank, about what sustainability means to him, his views on how technology impacts the sustainable future of the world, and what MetaBank is doing to contribute to that future, and more.

Jul 17, 2023

We were at the ICT Spring 2023 to record a whole season of TechTalk about Tech for Sustainability. ICT Spring is one of the top tech conferences in Europe where business decision-makers, innovation managers, startups, researchers and venture capitalists get to network and exchange knowledge. 

In this episode, we speak...

Jul 10, 2023

In this episode of TechTalk, we explore the results of the third edition of the “Use of Data Analytics and AI in Luxembourg” survey, with Andreas Braun, Director of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science at PwC Luxembourg.

He tells us how organisations in Luxembourg are considering AI technologies in their strategy,...